XBit Labs IN

Master Tomorrow's Skills with Hands-On Learning


Graduates of the Training Program

Batch Details : oct-nov-2024

Training type : Short-Job-Oriented-Training

Name Achievement Score Certificate ID
Amritpal Singh Amritpal Singh has successfully completed the training, demonstrating consistent effort and a strong performance throughout. Achieved an overall score : 377/500 and 75.4% T3B81XIMZ220241115Am
Anandh S Anandh S has completed the training with good results, showing steady progress and commitment during the course. Achieved an overall score : 364/500 and 72.8% PQIAMV6MMF20241115An
Basamma Mounesh Meti Basamma Mounesh Meti has excelled in the training, completing it with outstanding performance and dedication. Achieved an overall score : 455/500 and 91% IPQZ5SZ0B620241115Ba
Kanishgar B Kanishgar B has completed the training with strong results, showcasing good effort and a positive attitude throughout the course. Achieved an overall score : 397/500 and 79.4% UJ5WVFNB6S20241115Ka
Kishore Y A Kishore Y A has successfully completed the training with solid results, reflecting consistent effort and a strong commitment to learning. Achieved an overall score : 372/500 and 74.4% ILY6MPMU2E20241115Ki
Mahadeva Prasad M Mahadeva Prasad M has completed the training with excellent results, demonstrating a high level of dedication and effort throughout. Achieved an overall score : 439/500 and 87.8% UZJV0W3VXX20241115Ma